Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Movies I Have Seen - January 2025 (1 movie)


20 Movies

Moana 2

Chinook Theatre, January 2, 2025, with Lucy Krahn.

Top Gun: Maverick

500 MPH Storm

YouTube, with Dr. Connie Luther. 

The Voyeurs

(Some Other Movie I Watched on Crave That I Can't Remember The Name Of.)

The Vanishing (previously titled Keepers). 2018 (British), Starring 

Netflix, Guanajuato, MX, January 14, 2025. Soundtrack: Music by Benjamin Wallfisch, composer. 


At the time of the mysterious disappearance the lighthouse was not equipped with radio, in fact radio-telephone technology was not available in 1900 at all. Radio had been invented and demonstrated just a few years earlier, however, commercial radios were not available at this time. 

At a couple of points in the movie references are made to "the radio" and in one scene radio audio can briefly be heard from the radio. 

In 1900, the very first demonstration of a transatlantic radio transmission had only been demonstrated by Guglielmo Marconi a few years before, and by Morse code only, not voice. By 1900, commercially available radios had not yet been invented. 

While commercial radio became standard in on ships not long after this event, it was not available in 1900. 

The wind proof "zippo" type lighter wasn't invented until the 1935, several years after the era portrayed. 

This movie is based on an actual event that occurred in 1900. However, in the opening scene as the keepers are approaching the dock and saying goodbye to loved ones, just after the camera shows Thomas approaching, it cuts to various people. In the background, a late 30s to late 40s stake-bed truck can be seen from the rear. While the exact vintage is impossible to discern from the camera angle it is at least 37 years too late of a model to be in this movie. For that matter in 1900 to see any motorized vehicle of any kind would be considered an extreme rarity. 

The film appears to be set sometime in the early decades of the 20th century, going by the way the characters dress, props etc. Yet the motor launch which takes the 3 men to the island appears to have modern looking antennae. 

Uglies. 2024, Starring

Netflix, January 15, 2025. Soundtrack: "

The Six Triple Eight. 2024, Starring 

Netflix, January 16, 2025. Soundtrack: "


Modern U.S. currency is visible in the helmet when the unit is taking up a collection. Additionally, a $20 bill can be seen, which would be worth about $350 in 2024 - quite a generous donation. 

The British 'square pin' plug was not introduced in the UK until 1949, but during the montage while the women are fixing up the school one is shown. Worse still, it's got shrouded pins which did not appear until the 1980's, and has a plastic body rather than period Bakelite. This is likely a contemporary 2020's 240v 13a plug.

Atlas. 2024, Starring 

Netflix, January 17, 2025. Soundtrack: "

Nowhere. 2023 (Spanish), Starring Anna Castillo as Mia and Tamar Novas as Nico. Netflix, January 19, 2025. Soundtrack: Music by Frank Montasell and Lucas Peire. Trivia: The Tupperware used on set was given to the cast to keep their leftovers fresh after the film. Quote: Nico: I love you more than yesterday. Mia: But less than tomorrow.

The Abyss (original title Avgrunden), 2023 (Swedish), Starring 

Tuva NovotnyTuva Novotny...Frigga Vibenius
Peter FranzénPeter Franzén...Tage Vibenius
Kardo RazzaziKardo Razzazi...Dabir Ayobi
Felicia MaximeFelicia Maxime...Mica Vibenius
Angela KovacsAngela Kovacs...Erika Svalin
Tintin Poggats SarriTintin Poggats Sarri...Aila
Edvin RydingEdvin Ryding...Simon Vibenius
Åsa SimmaÅsa Simma...Livli
Jonathan FredrikssonJonathan Fredriksson...Patrik
Jakob Hultcrantz HanssonJakob Hultcrantz Hansson...Joakim Lundmark
Jakob ÖhrmanJakob Öhrman...Fredrik Bauman
Lina BrännströmLina Brännström...Tina
Casper BerglundCasper Berglund...Oliver
Scott IsittScott Isitt...Rödhårig tonårspojke
Ida GuttormsenIda Guttormsen...Maja
Mateo KristiansenMateo Kristiansen...Casper
Johan FinneJohan Finne...Carl
Nina BoströmNina Boström...Beatris
Göran GillingerGöran Gillinger...Förskolelärare
Neo GillingerNeo Gillinger...Pojke i sandlådan
Moa GustafssonMoa Gustafsson...Liten tjej på dagis
Scharliina EräpuroScharliina Eräpuro...Emo Linda
Lina MuhonenLina Muhonen...Tonårstjej på sjukhuset
Danielle EngströmDanielle Engström...Kvinna på sjukhuset
Lloyd JarlemyrLloyd Jarlemyr...Hampus
Benjamin JärvenpääBenjamin Järvenpää...Unge Simon
Katarina EwerlöfKatarina Ewerlöf...Berättare

Jerry KiveläJerry Kivelä...SMC-specialist

Netflix, January 20, 2025. Soundtrack: "

Trivia: Countries of Origin: Sweden, Finland, Belgium and Spain. Languages: Swedish, Saami and Finnish. 

Hijack '93. 2024 (Nigerian), Starring 


  • Nnamdi Agbo as Omar (Skipper)
  • Adam Garba as Kayode (Eruku)
  • Allison Emmanuel as Ben (Owiwi)
  • Oluwaseyi Akinsola as Dayo (Iku)



Supporting characters


Netflix, January 21, 2025. Soundtrack: Michael Jackson - "Smooth Criminal." 


In one scene, a little girl is seen with a Creeper plush toy, a character from the Minecraft video game. The movie takes place in 1993. Minecraft was released in 2009.

The Boeing 747-8, the plane depicted in the film, did not yet exist in 1993.

Most of the Soldiers are armed with AK-12 which was not available in 1993.

Although the movie was set in 1993, the limousine that the Chinese ambassador's son exited was a Lincoln Town Car from the 2000s, a model not produced in 1993.

Disaster Holiday. 2024 (South African), Starring 

Jacques AdriaanseJacques Adriaanse...John
Tina JaxaTina Jaxa
Lunathi MampofuLunathi Mampofu
Kenneth NkosiKenneth Nkosi

Netflix, January 21, 2025. Soundtrack: 

Blacklight. 2022 (Australian/ American), Starring 

Netflix, January 22, 2025. Soundtrack: "

The Wages Of Fear. 2024 (French), Starring 

Franck GastambideFranck Gastambide...Fred
Alban LenoirAlban Lenoir...Alex
Sofiane ZermaniSofiane Zermani...Gauthier
Ana GirardotAna Girardot...Clara
Bakary DiomberaBakary Diombera...Djibril
Astrid WhettnallAstrid Whettnall...Anne Marchand
Alka MatewaAlka Matewa...Alka
Sarah AfchainSarah Afchain...Assia
Ghita BerdaiGhita Berdai...Malya
Rabie KatiRabie Kati...Homme d'affaires
Aberrahman BerrardiAberrahman Berrardi...Gardien de l'homme d'affaires
Rabii BenjhaileRabii Benjhaile...Policier en civil 1
Mustapha MakhadaMustapha Makhada...Worker
Adil AbatourabAdil Abatourab...Surveillant (as Adil Aba Tourab)
Mohammed BoussalemMohammed Boussalem...Détenu 1
Hamza JouteyHamza Joutey...Détenu 2
Brice BexterBrice Bexter...Copilote de l'hélicoptère (as Brice El Glaoui Bexter)
Abdelilah TastafoutAbdelilah Tastafout...Militaire 3
Joseph BeddelemJoseph Beddelem...Pirate 1
Mustapha RachidiMustapha Rachidi...Berger
Mansour BadriMansour Badri...Militaire 1
Leila FatihLeila Fatih...Elève d'Assia
Anouar AkkerouachAnouar Akkerouach...Médecin ONG
Yassine TabaaYassine Tabaa...Agente de sécurite villa
Douglas GrauwelsDouglas Grauwels...Directeur de la compagnie pétrolière
Toussaint ColombaniToussaint Colombani...Expert de la compagnie pétrolière

Kareem Tristan AlleyneKareem Tristan Alleyne...Djibril (voice)
Shawn BaichooShawn Baichoo...Additional Voices (voice)
Mark CamachoMark Camacho...Additional Voices (voice)
Marcel JeanninMarcel Jeannin...Gauthier (voice)
Tristan D. LallaTristan D. Lalla...Alka (voice)

Netflix, January 23, 2025. Soundtrack: Music by Eric Serra. Trivia: Filming locations: Morocco. 

The Postcard Killings. 2020, Starring 

Netflix, January 23, 2025. Soundtrack: Music by Simon Lacey. 

Rebel Moon: Part One - A Child Of Fire. 2023, Starring 

  • Sofia Boutella as Kora/Arthelais, a former Imperium soldier who is on a mission to rally warriors from across the galaxy to fight against the Motherworld
    • Elizabeth Martinez as child Kora
  • Djimon Hounsou as Titus, a former Imperium general recruited by Kora against the Motherworld
  • Ed Skrein as Atticus Noble, an admiral and Balisarius's right-hand man
  • Michiel Huisman as Gunnar, a farmer secretly in love with Kora who joins her in her mission to defend his village after selling it out in the initial contact with Noble
  • Bae Doona as Nemesis, a cyborg swordswoman
  • Ray Fisher as Darrian Bloodaxe, Devra's brother, a warrior and commander of insurgents led by Devra who is recruited by Kora
  • Charlie Hunnam as Kai, a mercenary and starship pilot recruited by Kora
  • Anthony Hopkins as the voice of Jimmy, a member of a race of knight-esque robots[6]
    • Dustin Ceithamer as the on-set body-double of Jimmy
  • Staz Nair as Tarak, a prince-turned-blacksmith who can bond with members of the griffin-esque bennu from their homeworld
  • Fra Fee as Balisarius, an Imperium commander and Kora's adoptive father who declared himself regent of the Motherworld
  • Cleopatra Coleman as Devra Bloodaxe, Darrian's sister and the leader of insurgents opposing the Motherworld
  • Stuart Martin as Den, a farmer and hunter on Veldt and Kora's fling
  • Ingvar Sigurdsson as Hagen, a villager on Veldt who became Kora's father figure after she left the Imperium
  • Alfonso Herrera as Cassius, Noble's team warrior[7]
  • Cary Elwes as the King
  • Rhian Rees as the Queen
  • Elise Duffy as Milius, a rebel fighter under Devra's command.
  • Jena Malone as Harmada, a member of the arachnid-like humanoid ogumo.
  • Sky Yang as Aris, a young Motherworld soldier who stands up against his comrades' brutality
  • Charlotte Maggi as Sam, a water girl who warmly welcomes any outsiders that come to her village[8][9]
  • Corey Stoll as Sindri, a village chief on Veldt
  • Stella Grace Fitzgerald as Princess Issa
  • Greg Kriek as Marcus, a Motherworld soldier who arrived on Veldt to demand their harvest
  • Brandon Auret as Faunus, a Motherworld commander, left in charge of the farming village on Veldt
  • Ray Porter as Hickman, a farmer whom Tarak is indebted to for crimes against the Motherworld
  • Dominic Burgess as Dash Thif, a connected man who came into conflict with Kora and Gunnar in Providence
  • Tony Amendola as King Levitica, an alien king who shelters the Bloodaxes and their rebellion
  • Derek Mears as Simeon, a Hawkshaw working for the Imperium, hunting their enemies for profit.

Netflix, January 25, 2025. Soundtrack: "

Rebel Moon: Part Two - The Scargiver. 2024, Starring 

  • Sofia Boutella as Kora / Arthelais, a former Imperium soldier who rallies warriors from across the galaxy to fight against the Motherworld.
  • Djimon Hounsou as Titus, a former general of the Imperium recruited to lead the fight against the Motherworld.
  • Ed Skrein as Atticus Noble, an admiral and Balisarius' right-hand man. He was killed by Kora before being resurrected by the Imperium.
  • Michiel Huisman as Gunnar, Kora's love interest and a farmer who joins her in her attempts to defend his homeworld Veldt.
  • Doona Bae as Nemesis, a cyborg swordswoman.
  • Ray Fisher as Darrian Bloodaxe, a deceased warrior and Devra's brother recruited by Kora. He appears in a flashback.
  • Anthony Hopkins as the voice of JC-1435, 'Jimmy', the last member of a race of mechanical knights.
  • Staz Nair as Tarak, a nobleman-turned-blacksmith with the ability to bond with animals of nature.
  • Fra Fee as Balisarius, a tyrant and Kora's adoptive father who seized control of the Motherworld.
  • Cleopatra Coleman as Devra, Bloodaxe's sister and the leader of a band of insurgents opposing the Motherworld
  • Stuart Martin as Den, a local farmer and hunter.
  • Ingvar Sigurdsson as Hagen, a friend of Kora who helped her rebuild her life after she abandoned the Imperium
  • Alfonso Herrera as Cassius, Noble's team warrior.
  • Cary Elwes as the King.
  • Rhian Rees as the Queen.
  • Stella Grace Fitzgerald as Princess Issa.
  • Elise Duffy as Milius, a rebel fighter recruited under Darrian's command.
  • Sky Yang as Aris, a young Motherworld soldier who stands up against his comrades' brutality
  • Charlotte Maggi as Sam, a farm girl who warmly welcomes any outsiders that come to her village.

Netflix, January 25, 2025. Soundtrack: "

The Union. 2024, Starring 

Netflix, January 29, 2025. Soundtrack: "

Rebel Ridge. 2024, Starring 

Netflix, January 30, 2025. Soundtrack: "


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